"When to ship" with UPS
UPS stands for United Parcel Service. UPS is the largest Global shipping carrier providing jobs to over 481,000 employees, 399,000 of which reside in the US alone.
UPS regards themselves as a “technology company who ships” due to their continued innovation and leading industry technology provided to their customers. Just about anyone would recognize a UPS vehicle driving down the street. Their big brown package trucks are hard to miss. UPS provides service to every address in the United States and Europe, while also servicing 220 countries globally.
Shipping with UPS
Generating shipping labels with UPS is quite simple. It can be done easily with BLIPPSHIP!
Beware of Surcharges! UPS is an excellent shipping company that provides excellent, reliable service, but you will pay for it.
UPS is best used for shipments that fall above 9lbs and more. Anything shipped 9lbs and less tends to be less expensive and faster to ship with USPS.
Dimensional Weight
UPS charges Dimensional Weight on ALL packages.
Dimensional weight reflects package density, which is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight.
Determine the package dimensions in inches. For each dimension, measure at the longest point, rounding each measurement to the nearest whole number (for example, 1.00 to 1.49 will be considered 1, and 1.50 to 1.99 will be considered 2).
Multiply the package length (longest side of the package) by the width by the height. The result is the cubic size in inches.
Divide the cubic size in inches by the divisor to calculate the dimensional weight in pounds. Increase any fraction to the next whole pound.
Dimensional Weight = (L x W x H) ÷ Divisor
L = Length in inches
W = Width in inches
H = Height in inches
Divisor for Dim Weight is = 139
Surcharges and PEAK Surcharges:
Peak Surcharge – Applied to UPS® Ground Residential and UPS SurePost® Packages
A Peak Surcharge will apply to certain UPS Ground Residential4 and UPS SurePost packages, for all U.S. domestic shipments,
for qualifying customers who have shipped more than 25,000 packages during any week following February 2020.5
The Peak Surcharge will apply in the amounts set forth below to the indicated service levels during the specified Peak Period.

For the entire list of applicable UPS surcharges, please follow this link here: https://www.ups.com/assets/resources/media/en_US/additional_charges_daily.pdf